Mindless drivel: Disney Family Vacation Ruined By Walt Disney Company

Mindless drivel

Friday, December 30, 2005

Disney Family Vacation Ruined By Walt Disney Company

Found this on my favorite "fake" news site, The Onion. The story could easily have been true considering how chaotic a trip to the land of Mickey can be.

ORLANDO, FL–A magical Walt Disney World family vacation was ruined last weekend by the stringent policies and protocol of the Walt Disney Company. "They call Disney World 'The Happiest Place On Earth,' but being there was oddly stressful and upsetting," said David Mahaffey, 36, a Dover, DE, insurance-claims adjuster who, along with his wife and two children, endured a four-day visit to the Orlando theme park. "Why did Disney have to ruin the Disney magic for everyone?" Plagued by everything from park rules strictly governing conduct to wildly overpriced concessions, the Mahaffeys had hoped to lose themselves in a wonderland of fun, but were thwarted at every turn by the entertainment giant.

For the rest of the article, click HERE.


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