Mindless drivel: Another alligator story

Mindless drivel

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Another alligator story

Don't ya just hate uninvited lunch guests....

Alligator in Gainesville takes Off With Family's Lunch

GAINESVILLE, FL (AP) -- A Gainesville family says an alligator took a bite out of their lunch. Two women say they were picnicking by Lake Alice on the University of Florida campus with their children when the gator splashed out of the water and took off with their lunch. They were having spicy chicken. Garrett Bell says after grabbing the chicken, the gator went back in the water with it and then came back out for more. Bell adds that the gator was six to eight feet long. Signs at Lake Alice state that it's unlawful to feed alligators. But Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officials say feeding alligators is a problem statewide. They say it makes alligators associate food with humans resulting in dangerous encounters.


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